iPRODUCE tests the functionalities of the platform with the CORE GROUP
The iPRODUCE PROJECT (www.iproduce-project.eu), A Social Manufacturing Framework for Streamlined Multi-stakeholder Open innovation Missions in Consumer Good Sectors), is developing a platform that integrates tools in order to facilitate open innovation and co-creation of designs and products. The platform will be the baseline so that different profiles (makers, manufacturers and consumers) collaboratively take part in the design of products, agile prototyping or integrated lifecycle management.
Open Innovation Space (OpIS) Platform will integrate, among other tools, a mobile app that will facilitate access to users to test products, a space to co-create products in Virtual/Augmented Reality and even blockchain tools to develop Smart Contracts.

The so-called Cmdf (Collaborative Manufacturing Demonstration Facilities) in 6 European countries (Italy, France, Germany, Greece, Denmark and Spain) have defined the requirements to be met by the platform called Open Innovation Space.
To test the platform’s functionalities, in February 2022, the Spanish cMDF, led by AIDIMME and Oceáno Naranja, brought together the members of the CORE GROUP (a group of experts with diverse profiles: architects, makers, consumers and members of other Fab Labs). It was integrated by:
- Arquitecturas Educación SL (http://arquilecturas.es/): architecture and interior design studio.
- NoMetal3D: a Valencian company that offers innovative manufacturing and prototyping solutions for industry.
- Xabec (https://xabec.es/): vocational training centre in Valencia that offers vocational training courses in intermediate and higher education.
- Daniel Gutiérrez Fernández: freelance Maker.
- Jordi Arnal Andrés: freelance Maker.
- JordiNN (www.jordinn.net): international artist and sculptor.
LAGRAMA also participates in the Spanish cMDF providing the industrial point of view.

In the meeting, they explained the project, its objectives and the cases of use that the Spanish cMDF is developing. The Platform was also explained and several tools already in operation, or demos of them, were shown. The functionalities presented were very well received and the tool was seen as useful to promote collaboration between the different agents and to add value in the area of design and co-creation.
The CORE GROUP will meet in the coming months to further validation of all the tools and identification of proposals for their improvement.

Project Number: 21900009
Grant Agreement: 870037
Duration: From 01/01/2020 to 31/12/2022
Coordinated in AIDIMME by: NÚÑEZ ARIÑO, Mª JOSÉ
For more information contact AIDIMME.
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